Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lazarus and The Two Finned Nine

  Sometime last week I depressed everyone, including myself, with my sad 'Little Rays of Sunshine" tale.
  Well, weep no more.
 Since the fish were gone, I decided to empty the pond so I could clean it. When I got down to about five inches of extremely murky water, I noticed a large, orange spot on the bottom of the pond. "What is that? Leaves?" I asked my husband. Then the orange spot started to move.
 "My fish!" I screamed (my neighbors for 3 blocks around don't need to read this post. They definitely heard me).
  It's true. The fish are alive and well and living in the pond. I don't know how they eluded me that day. The water was murky, but I thought, for sure, with all my poking around, they would've surfaced. They must have been hiding in the leaves at the bottom, traumatized by the Heron.
 The only other excuse I can think of is, perhaps it's some type of Easter season miracle; I did find the fish three days after I thought they were gone.